Sunspots, 15 May 2000
Image Linkhttps://www.ocastronomers.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/sun02.jpg
Photographer Russell Sipe
Optics Used
Camera Used
Settings / Equipment Tak-102 Takahashi refractor w/Thousand Oaks solar filter and 35mm Panoptic eyepiece; Nikon 950 digital camera, handheld behind eyepiece.
Location Huntington Beach, CA; September 1990
Date / Time September 1, 1990 12:00 am
Additional Information Photographer's comments: "I got a Thousand Oaks solar filter for my Tak-102...After basking in the glory of the sunspot studded view I decided to play around with my Nikon 950 digital camera. On a lark I put it in macro mode and let it autofocus on the view as seen through my 35mm Panoptic in the Takahashi. I just hand held the camera lens about an inch from the eyepiece using the LCD on the camera to "center" the shot and here is what I got. I can't believe how lucky I was."