Stephen’s Quintet
Image Linkhttps://www.ocastronomers.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/n7331-02.jpg
Photographer Dean Jacobsen
Optics Used
Camera Used
Settings / Equipment Celestron C-11 w/ Losmandy G-11 mount; imaged at f/3.3 using Optec 0.33 focal reducer with #12 yellow filter; SBIG ST7 CCD camera at the high-resolution setting; 40 min exposure guided by the ST7; SBIG CCDOps used for image calibration, log scaling, and s
Location OCA site near Anza, CA
Date / Time September 6, 1999 2:57 am
Additional Information Stephan's Quintet: from upper left clockwise NGC 7319 (mag. 14.36), NGC 7318B (mag. 14.0), NGC 7318A (mag. 14.61), NGC 7317 (mag. 14.77), and NGC 7320 (mag. 13.56). Also note the faint galaxies NGC 7320C (mag. 16.57) to left of Quintet and KA2295 (mag. 16)