M31 – Andromeda Galaxy
Image Linkhttps://www.ocastronomers.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/andro01a.jpg
Photographer Mark Park
Optics Used
Camera Used
Settings / Equipment 6" Astrophysics Starfire f/7 refractor; stacked 65 / 75 min exposures on hypered Fuji 400 (120 format).
Location OCA Anza observing site, CA
Date / Time August 1, 1995 12:00 am
Additional Information A combination of two stacked negatives (exposure times 65 min & 75 min). M31's satellite elliptical galaxies, M32 & M110, are at 3:00 & 11:00 (from M31's nucleus). NGC 206, a star-forming region, is the glow on the edge of the disk at 2:00.