Image Linkhttps://www.ocastronomers.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/m109-01.jpg
Photographer Dean Jacobsen
Optics Used
Camera Used
Settings / Equipment Celestron C-11 f/10 OTA working at f/6.3 w/Meade 0.63 focal reducer, on Losmandy G-11 mount. SBIG ST-7 CCD camera used to take six 15-minute exposures, stacked for total exposure time of 90 minutes.
Location OCA observing site, Anza, CA
Date / Time April 9, 2000 12:00 am
Additional Information The atmosphere at the time this image was taken was unusually calm with moderately good atmospheric transparency. The stars on the image show the seeing to be approximately 3 arc seconds. All image processing steps (image calibration, image registration)