Lyra, 16 March 1997
Image Linkhttps://www.ocastronomers.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/lyra01.jpg
Photographer Dave Kodama
Optics Used
Camera Used
Settings / Equipment 135mm lens at f/3.5; piggybacked on C-11; 30 min exp. on Kodak Elite II, ISO 100.
Location OCA Anza observing site, 16 March 1997.
Date / Time March 16, 1997 12:00 am
Additional Information The stars in this image appear somewhat defocused due to slight chromatic aberration in the lens used. However, this has the pleasant side effect of accentuating star colors; one can see that the brightest stars in this area are blue. Although too small to be resolved, the Ring Nebula (M57) also appears in this image as a small red dot. This image was cropped from the original.