Cygnus Star Cloud
Image Linkhttps://www.ocastronomers.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/mwaycy2b.jpg
Photographer Robert Schmidt
Optics Used
Camera Used
Settings / Equipment Piggybacked 50mm lens; 50 min exp. on Fuji 400 film
Location OCA Anza observing site, CA; 9 July 1996
Date / Time July 9, 1996 12:00 am
Additional Information Cygnus dominates the right half of this image showing many deep-sky objects of the summer Milky Way. Here is a legend to help you find them. Open clusters include M29, M39 and NGC 6871. The North America Nebula and Pelican Nebula are at center. To the right is the large reddish Gamma Cygni nebula complex. At 11:00 near the top, the yellow-orange star is red supergiant Mu Cephei (Herschel's "Garnet Star"), embedded in the faint nebulosity of IC 1396. The Cocoon Nebula (IC 1546) is barely visible . The dark shadow at bottom is the telescope tube; a satellite trail crosses the lower right corner. The image was scanned directly from the negative.