Image Linkhttps://www.ocastronomers.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/MD7_1095b.jpg
Photographer Michael Daugherty
Optics Used Camera on Tripod
Camera Used NIKON D700 FX
Settings / Equipment Iso 2000, 20 Sec, 24 mm @ f 2.8
Location Yosemite Valley at 8:34 pm
Date / Time September 5, 2008 8:34 pm
Copyright DigitalPicturesRus
Additional Information Picture shows Yosemite Valley with Half Dome in the background and El Capitan in the foreground, also in addition to Andromeda Galaxy and two meteors you can see lights climbers use while camping on the face of El Capitan for the night before continuing their ascent to the top in the morning. The only light came from the Waxing Gibbous 6.10 day old moon